
Saturday, February 16, 2013


This the poem I am reading/read on the SPEAK & BE HEARD Radio show
Feb 16 2013
4:00-6:00pm. KTLK AM 1150
*NOTE-this is the radio edit version...just add the ( ) for full version.

Is the second term of a Presidency just a lame duck session or can a real difference be made?
It this 'real'?
Is this 'sound'?
Is this 'a definition'?
What is this noise all about?
Again my ears are pricked
my sleepy mind alerted
by noise rather than
Noise from actions
from chaos
(from the ashes of a fallen star)
from the scuffle before me
as leaders and their minions
gather and mingle
and carry on (hurriedly)
(almost panicked)
about things real or
grasping at words
cherry-picking the best phrasings
regardless of meaning or context
rearranging metaphors
to suit their needs
then spring wild
like fire
upon the presses-the masses -the networks
society has built itself on
scandals raging
money changing hands by the millions
the wide eyes of the Believer
and the wary visions of the non
all collectively occurring
in an organized frenzy
(of falsified spontaneity)
designed to simply boost and boast
their Chosen One
as Ruler of Everything.
The goals realized
almost a tie
a unanimous sigh
some for
some against
some full of apathetic ignorance
most full of pride
and the new cycle
begins again.
Words selected
twisted (and) re-applied
accusing and hypothesising
angrily pointing speculative fingers
anywhere but home
determined to undermine
to slam and slander
to purposely create derision
(doubt and mistrust)
to spin the facts
into a fine cloth of deception
tightly wound
the Truth bound
distracted and blind
defensively over-compensating
for ideals that no longer matter
(distracted and
slightly off course
partially lost)
(forgetting the
of Why the path
beneath our feet
is there.)
The sound is once more...
My eyes flip open
my head becomes clear.
The sun is kissing the horizon
the geese and other fowl
are beginning to drop
from the sky
waddling in a mass
one throbbing unit
all heading to safety
heads soon tucked under wings
almost quiet now...

I see ahead at the shore
a flurry of feathers
falling from the sky
far behind the pack
not quite in control
of its own power
wings visibly clipped
flying crippled
it dives and stalls
and tries and tries
again to land
giving more focus and energy
to the deed
than the rest of them
And as the darkness falls complete
I can no longer see it
but I know it is there
making an effort
making it happen
doing its best
to appease the rest
and complete the task at hand.
...then it comes
breaking the silent eve
a persistent solitary whisper
of victory...

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